Monday, October 15, 2012

Whew! Time flies when you are busy creating art!  Especially when you love it so. J I apologize for the delay in posting.

Let’s see, where did I leave off last time? Oh, yes! I had begun two pieces and had started to regroup after all the delays.  I am happy to report that I have finished sculpting two pieces and have begun sculpting two more pieces!  I would have had one of the pieces done a lot sooner (the Prostate Cancer piece) but I have decided to go a different direction with it.  No worries though! I did not scrap all that work again-I revamped it and it is now the Testicular Cancer piece!  I do like how it finally came out. 

That is the trick with ceramics, (any type of art really) as an artist you must constantly “communicate” with the media you are working with and come to an agreement between what you would like and what the art wants. Yes, I said what the art wants.  This is because art is not just a result of manipulated media or a product of what an artist makes, but it is a creation, like no other, and has a life and personality of its own!  Think of it this way: you ask a 3 year old to do something and she is not in the mood, will she cooperate? Nope. What do you do then? How about asking her how she would like to do the task? If you give her the choice-she’ll give you the result you wanted-albeit, maybe not in the manner you had planned, but the desired result just the same.

Anyhow, enough wisdom for now. J Back to the nitty-gritty.  In the next couple of weeks, I am planning to make another batch of clay, continue on a few glaze experiments and hopefully create some new glaze recipes. 

Another note: I have decided that I will not put sculpted ribbons on the pieces because I feel it cheapens the piece. Instead, I will be engraving the ribbon symbol in its respective place for each piece. (See Testicular Cancer photo)  This decision has also created a new endeavor that I will be embarking on for this project-an accompaniment of sorts.  More details to come later-much later. J  

Please enjoy the photos! J (Included in photos: Autism, Testicular Cancer, Breast Cancer)


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