Sunday, September 8, 2013


GOOD GRIEF!! Here we go again. ;)
Welcome back!  Thank you for joining me for the beginning of my last year in college J I am confident that it promises to be an eventful year. Only 245 days to go until graduation!
According to my preliminary calculations, I will have approximately 4 shows and 10-12 projects to begin, complete and present within those 245 days. WOO HOO! This means I will get to breathe and sleep again in mid-May, ha ha ha!
My first project is to create a body of work that encompasses a form of RITUAL.  For this, I have chosen to create 4 (possibly 5) mandalas. These mandalas will be representational of some of my own life rituals.  They will (have begun to) be heavily nature influenced with possible elements of time.  “Why nature?” you may ask.  Nature is very prevalent in my life and I have found that I ritualistically incorporate nature into my daily life.  Whether it be through meditation, maintenance, consumption, etc., Nature is a major part of me and my rituals. Time is involved because I have observed that in some form or fashion everyone, myself included, has the ritual of tracking time.  How often do you check the time throughout your day? I would imagine that your answer would be “frequently.” There you have it, yet another time reference…get the point? ;)
I have included some beginning production photos for my RITUAL project below this post for your viewing pleasure J  Also, I have begun working on another project that will culminate into a fun piece that I would like to have a small presentation of later this year.  If I am not able to present it in its solidarity, I will be more than happy to include in within the scope of one of my upcoming shows.  I have also included a photo or two as a sneak peek.
Well, I don’t wish to let all the “cats out of the bag” just yet and I will know leave you to your own devices and imagination…Go forth and create!
~Until next week…
I love using a jerky gun!
Oooh, coming together!
Beginning texture.
Texture complete (Close up pic next week-stay tuned!)
Sneak peek is going to be fun :)

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